Thursday 4 June 2015

Like something out of Thurber

LAKE ANNE, JUNE 4, 2015 -- Early yesterday, my husband Willie Wanklyn (WW from now on) stumbled upstairs to make his coffee, and was met by a merganser in the dining room. There followed a certain amount of consternation on both sides, with the merganser eventually fleeing to the living room, where it bivouacked in the fireplace.

WW constructed a birdie runway with chairs, made a sortie in a great circle from the kitchen to approach the duck from behind. From there, he managed to herd it along his flight path and out through an open door.

I don't know which was more relieved at the success of the campaign.

WW thinks the silly bird must have come down the chimney--there really is no other way in. It will certainly have a tale to tell its grand-ducklings. We, on the other hand, had to remover, er, evidence of its visit. Fortunately, I was asleep at the time, so WW got to do that part too.


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