Tuesday 2 June 2015

Bob's for the Birds!

LAKE ANNE, JUNE 1, 2015. Report from Bob Gaudreau

Happy days! Saw a scarlet tanager (about 12 feet from me) this morning, at the Birons' driveway!  First sighting of one at the lake in close to 25 years.  The colour is stunning in intensity and hue. It is the size of a large house sparrow.

Two snow geese at our dock last weekend.  Lots of sightings of the broad-winged hawk, a common summer resident on Anne Est Road.  Had our first hummingbirds at the feeder on Thursday, May 28.

The loons are everywhere on the lake...two or three at a time!

[Editor's note: Stephanie emailed asking if I'd seen the "swans" on Land Island, aka the presqu'ile, over the long weekend. She thought they might actually be snow geese. Bingo, Stephanie! Thanks for the confirmation, Bob.

In further bird news, a pair of eastern phoebes are nesting right outside one of our bedroom windows. We keep the curtains on that window drawn, not wishing to discomfit mum and dad.   -- kmh]

1 comment:

  1. Snow geese! Kind of out of their way, no? I associate snow geese with Cap Tourmente. SJ
