Tuesday 16 June 2015

Forestry Management: Suggestions Welcome

LAKE ANNE, JUNE 16, 2015--from Stephanie (Hunt) Foster

Hi everyone,

As you may know, Lake Anne Club is certified as a “forest producer” and, as such, benefits from the Quebec tax reimbursement program and private woodlot program. In order to maintain this status and certification, every five years the Club is required to have its Forest Management Plan (FMP) updated. The last plan was completed in 2011, so it is time to develop a new FMP. 

The Board is planning to send out a "Request for Proposals" (RFP) this summer for companies to carry out the required services for the FMP.  In advance of sending out the RFP, we would welcome your comments on the attached summary of the RFP. 

Thanks for your input!

Please send any comments or questions by June 26th, directly to Stephanie (Hunt) Foster at johnsteph@symaptico.ca

Lake Anne Club Forest Stewardship Objectives
  • Ensure a healthy forest and ecological functions
  • Protect other forest values such as biodiversity, high-quality wildlife habitat, and other characteristics such as streams, wetlands and woodland pools
  • Optimize long term financial return in terms of producing high-quality lumber (i.e., maximize growth of trees)
  • Minimize impact of selective logging activities


1. Update 2011 tree inventory, and where possible provide an analysis of wildlife habitat;

2. Review past logging activities to assess the success of past logging;

3. Make recommendations re: reforestation and/or ways to accelerate natural regeneration of certain logged areas (e.g., most recent cut);

4. Prepare a new schedule of recommended “selective” logging activities for the next 5-10 years.


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