Wednesday 14 August 2019

Preventing Invasion by Eurasian Water Milfoil - Part 1

At the 2019 AGM, it was proposed that residents submit to Our Noble Blog their approaches to preventing the introduction of Eurasian Water Milfoil to Lake Anne. The following is our first submission.

From the Savage/Hogg household:

To prevent the accidental introduction of Eurasian Milfoil to the lake we provide lifejackets, fishing gear, water-craft and water related toys for guests and grandchildren.  No one is allowed to bring their own.

Bathing suits need to be washed and dried in a clothes drier. 

We speak about milfoil prevention with everyone we hire to repair or renovate the house in case they decide to have a swim or fish during one of their breaks.

We look forward to reading of other people’s efforts so we can improve our efforts.

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