Tuesday 8 October 2019

A Message from the Chair re: Hunting

As in the past, Lake Anne Club has an agreement with hunters from the Famous Grouse Lodge and
the Browns (neighbours to the south) to allow them to hunt on parts of Lake Anne property. 

See the attached “No Hunting” map which shows the areas where they may hunt which is well away
from our cottages around the lake.

Note that the hunters have agreed to not hunt from the Friday–Monday of the long Thanksgiving 

However, I encourage you still to take caution when walking in the woods at this time of the year as
there is always the chance that other hunters may trespass and try to hunt on our property.
 [Editor's suggestion: Wear bright colours, and carry a bell or raise your voice in song!]

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone! - Stephanie

The Hunting seasons are as follows:
·       Deer using a bow, Sept 28 thru Oct 20*
·       Moose using a bow, Oct 5 thru Oct 11
·       Deer using a rifle, Nov 2 thru Nov 15
*excepting Thanksgiving weekend Oct 12 thru 14

Attachments are
Attachments area

"Land Possessed" turns 50

From Land Possessed to Nature’s Victory
A conference by historian and playwright
Don Stewart
on the history of our region
through the eyes of Margaret Cook
Sunday, October 20, at 2 PM
at Strong Hall
1262 chemin de Mille-Isles
Mille-Isles, J0R 1A0
2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of Margaret Cook’s novel of historical fiction Land Possessed.
Published by Giles Publishing in Lachute in 1969, the story takes place in 1869 and describes the lives of the Irish Pioneers of Argenteuil through a love story between Norah Kirby, a Protestant, and Dennis Neill, a Catholic. The book contains many accurate descriptions of the pioneer way of life: potash making, beer fermentation, chicken raising, a trip to Montreal, the Lachute Fair, etc. Even Fiddler Lake and Mille-Isles are mentioned in the book!  [...and Lake Anne -- ed.]

Margaret Cook (1897-1975) was a teacher at the Lachute Academy in the 1920s and wrote a monthly column for the Lachute Watchman between 1949 and the early 1970s titled Sunnyacres Sketches. She lived just north of Lake Barron. A play written by Don Stewart and based on her novel was performed in Morin Heights in 2005. 

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Preventing Invasion by Eurasian Water Milfoil - Part 1

At the 2019 AGM, it was proposed that residents submit to Our Noble Blog their approaches to preventing the introduction of Eurasian Water Milfoil to Lake Anne. The following is our first submission.

From the Savage/Hogg household:

To prevent the accidental introduction of Eurasian Milfoil to the lake we provide lifejackets, fishing gear, water-craft and water related toys for guests and grandchildren.  No one is allowed to bring their own.

Bathing suits need to be washed and dried in a clothes drier. 

We speak about milfoil prevention with everyone we hire to repair or renovate the house in case they decide to have a swim or fish during one of their breaks.

We look forward to reading of other people’s efforts so we can improve our efforts.

Monday 5 August 2019

Loon News, Next Bit


in re: loon babies.

Apparently there were two, but no one has seen more than one in a while.

RIP loonlet.

If anyone sees two, please, alert us.

Tennis Awesomeness

Lake Anne Celebration of Tennis
Saturday August 10


Participants of all ages and levels of expertise are welcome.

This celebration of tennis is an opportunity for you to meet others with an interest in tennis.
It is not a tournament. 
You need to call your friends and relatives to organize to play a single game on Saturday afternoon August 10.
Send the names and e-mail addresses of the people you will be playing with and against to whogg@uottawa.ca.
You will be assigned a time between 1:00 and 3:30 on Saturday for your game. 
If it rains and it is necessary to change the date to Sunday August 11, you will be notified by e-mail. 
We have an elite team of referees and linepersons and are seeking future players
to volunteer as ball boys and girls.  

Free Lemonade for players and fans available

Sunday 4 August 2019

Loon News

Various loon sightings have been reported. Most recently was one loon with one baby. Earlier reports had both loons with two babies. Please let us know what you've seen of our favourite yodellers.

Local Arts Events

Shakespeare in the Park

The Conseil des arts de Montreal and Repercussion Theatre present:

Measure for Measure

Basler Park, Morin Heights

Friday, August 9, 7 p.m.


Dunany Studio Artists

at the Dunany Golf and Country Club

August 22 and 23, 5 to 8 p.m.


Wanted: Small Sailboat

The Hunts are seeking to purchase a small, previously loved sailboat, such as a Laser. If anyone knows of or has such an item, please contact them.

Sunday 21 July 2019

AGM 2019

The Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of Lake Anne Club Inc. / Club du lac Anne inc. is being held on Sunday August 11, 2019 at Ken Hugessen's and Jennifer Connolly's home, 180 chemin lac Anne. In addition to shareholders, family members and guests are welcome to attend.

The agenda and proxy forms have been sent, by email, to shareholders.

Water Testing 2019

A message from Madeleine Palmer and Jerome Roussseau:

Mado and Jérôme here with a friendly reminder about water testing on Saturday, August 10. 

Those who wish to check their tap/well water may pick up bottles at our place (29 ch. Du Lac Anne) as of 10h00.  As they usually finish testing the lake sites early, bottles should be returned with payment (cash or cheque) before noon.

Looking forward to seeing you,

M & J
450 226 1954 

Arts Morin Heights Summer Show

Arts Morin Heights, a collective of 26 artists, is holding its Summer Show.

Opening vernissage, July 27, 5 p.m.

Running July 28 to August 4, 11h00 to 17h00, at Chalet Bellevue, Morin Heights.

Activities in Gore

Want to learn about mushrooms? Edible and medicinal plants? Has Gore got an activity for you!

Next trail maintenance day - August 3rd
Les Sentiers de Gore invites you to its second trail maintenance day this year, which will take place on Saturday, August 3rd at Parc Denommé. Meeting time is 9:30 am on site (you may park on Densa at the corner of des Muguets). In case of rain, the maintenance day will be postponed (check facebook). We now have tools, but bring yours if possible (loppers, shovels, pickaxe, rake and saws) as well as gloves and good boots. Looking forward to working with you!

August 18 activity – Edible and medicinal plants
Non-wood forest products (NWFP): edible and medicinal plants.
This activity will allow you to better recognize the flora of Quebec that can heal us and feed us. Wear appropriate boots and clothing to go outside, good weather or bad weather. This activity is for the whole family. Bring a natural mosquito repellent.

Reservations by email at lessentiersdegore@gmail.com or on our web site:https://www.lessentiersdegore.com/index.php/fr/activites/a-venir/28-plantes-medicinales-et-commestibles?date=2019-08-18-00-00

Location: Gore Township Municipal Park, 45 Cambria Road, Gore
Time: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Activities in September

We invite you to book these two dates in September:

Saturday, September 7th: hike in Gore’s third range

Friday, September 13th in the evening: mushroom identification activity

Subscribe to our newsletter on www.lessentiersdegore.com for more details.

Our Fabulous Lake

Early in September of last year, Bob Gaudreault, Kathleen Hugessen (moi) and Melissa Valiquette of the Conseil Regional de l'Environnement set forth from Bob's dock in Sally McDougall's rowboat (thanks, Sally!) to complete the inventory of our lake's aquatic plants.

Bob rowed us to Allan McDougall's dock, where the first round of inventory had ended (it had gone from Ken Hugessen's dock round to Allan's the year before). We picked up the trail there and Bob rowed the periphery.

By Outlet Bay, Melissa was in love. She called our lake her "coup de coeur", which I choose to translate as "sweetheart" lake. She found one clump of algae on the south(ish) side of Outlet Bay, but declared it filamentous, not cyano.

Bob and I spotted a very invasive looking plant that we insisted on rowing over to while Melissa sat quietly, suggesting it wasn't a plant at all. Well, we found the nefarious ropeweed. Fortunately, there were no further examples, and Bob and I offered no more opinions on Melissa's area of expertise.

Then she dropper her clipboard, with all her notes, into the water somewhere between Blachford's and us. We left Bob doing calisthenics on Ken's beach to re-establish contact with his hip, dodged over to my kayaks, and paddled off on a rescue mission. And, by golly, we found it! Furthermore, the clever girl uses waterproof paper and pencil!

I had, in a weak moment, mentioned that we had not looked at The Island and Melissa, now in the throes of a complete love affair with our lake, suggested strongly (OK, insisted) that we would be remiss in not completing the job.

Bob's hip was given a break and Melissa took over rowing. It should be noted that she does (did) not know how to row. Still and all, we reached The Island at which point Your Fearless Editor took up the oars. By Picnic Rock, Your Fearless Editor's back was doing much the same as Bob's hip. But perseverance won out and we made it to the campsite rock where Melissa, once more, took the oars.

While still circling The Island, Melissa became very excited and there was a certain amount of highly skilled maneuvering to get her above an aquatic plant of, apparently, great desirability. In an extremely athletic contortion, she manage to extract a sample and handed it with pride to Bob and me. "Smell it!" she crowed. So we did, looked at each other, shrugged and waited. "It smells like skunk!" she insisted. We weren't sure we agreed, but we smiled. God knows, she'd earned it.

Melissa got us back to Bob's dock (and is a much better rower for the effort), where we went our separate ways. The Saga of Lake Anne's Aquatic Plants is at an end. For now.

Bottom line: our lake is fabulous! (As if we didn't know.)