Saturday 29 October 2016

Lake Anne Club Web Site Now Live

William Wankly announces the following:

The Lake Anne Web site is open for use and comments. The URL is

The site is protected by username and password, and accommodates different user roles such as:
  • general public
  • authorised user
  • family
  • property owner
  • shareholder
  • author
  • director 
  • administrator

Access to content is controlled on the basis of role.

In order to gain access, you will need to set up a site account with your chosen username and password.  Access will be blocked until the administrator has vetted your account application.  A number of people have attmepted to gain access since the site's inception, hence the need for administrator oversight of accounts.

Once the administrator has vetted the account setup and allocated the appropriate roles, you will be able to tour the site.  It is pretty sparse at this stage, with test stuff scattered around, but it's a start.

Minutes, both draft (for directors only), and approved (for the rest of us), are displayed either under the Home menu item or the Books (Minute Book) menu item.

The Lake Anne Blog is referenced from the site and may eventually be included through an RSS feed.

Those with the Author role will be able to create books.  Jill Johnson is working on a history of the lake.  Jerome Rousseau's history, based upon the minutes of directors' meetings, is already on the site.

Andrew Martin-Hugessen has agreed to assist me in the administrator's role.  This is a full-on volunteer project, so please bear this in mind when looking through what's there.

There is a forum section and comments can be made everywhere, so don't be shy.  If you want to blog, there is a basic blogging function anyone can use.

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