Sunday 6 September 2015

AGM 2015: Minutes

The annual general meeting of Lake Anne Club lnc./Club du lac Anne lnc took place at the Lake Anne house of Reid and Shelagh Drury on August 8th, 2015, at 2:00 p.m.

Present: Guy Biron, Pansy Drury Gaudreau, Peter Heward, Bryan Hollingworth, Kathleen Hugessen, Derek Johnson, Elspeth Mitchell, Sally McDougall, Jerome Rousseau, Nancy Savage, Stephanie Hunt-Foster, Allan McDougall, Reid Drury David Hyde

Bv Proxy: Margaret Hyde, Susan Johnson, JillJohnson, Madeleine Palmer

Proxy Holders and Guests: Jocelyne Lamarche Biron, Reid McDougall, Sylvie Moncion, William Wanklyn, Janice Hollingworth, Shelagh Drury, Jim Ronald, Pamela Ross, Bill Hogg, Daniel Wright, Clare Raspopow, Erica Mitchell, Lisa Philips and Jack Gaudreau

1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Bryan Hollingurorth.

2. Approval of the Agenda: It was moved by Peter Heward, seconded by Stephanie Hunt-Foster, that the agenda be approved.

3. Minutes of the 2014 Annual General Meeting: It was moved by Nancy Savage, seconded by Reid Drury that the minutes of the 2014 AGM be approved as distributed.

4. Receive and Review the Financial Statements for 2014: Bob Gaudreau reviewed the Financial Statements for 2014. The past fiscal year was a good one for earnings which meant that assessments could remain low. The income and expenses for forestry and taxes were reviewed and it was noted that the taxes are expected to rise in coming years.

The Budget for 2015-2016 was also reviewed. There will be no forestry income next year but it is estimated that investment income will be about 57,500. It was moved by Pam Ross, seconded by Elspeth Mitchell, that the Financial Staternents and Budget be approved.

5. Appointment of Auditor: It was moved by William Wanklyn, seconded by Pam Ross that the financial statements continue to be reviewed, not audited, by Patti McGovern.

6. Report of the Nominating Committee and Election of Directors: Sally McDougall reported that Bob Gaudreau and Nancy Savage are resigning from the Board and that 3 new Board members are standing for election,

Returning Directors are: Bryan Hollingworth, Stephanie Hunt-Foster, Ken Hugessen, Jim Ronald, William Wanklyn, Pamela Ross and Reid McDougall.

New Directors are: Erica Mitchell, Reid Drury and Derek Johnson.

It was moved by Sally McDougall, seconded by Peter Heward, that this slate of Directors be elected for the coming year. Bob and Nancy were thanked for their work on the Board.

7. Confirmation of the Acts of Directors: Bryan Hollingworth reported on various actions taken be the Board including work on the forestry plan and roads. It was moved by Sally McDougall, seconded by Kathleen Hugessen, that the acts of the Directors be confirmed.

8. Varia: 
a) Dues to shareholders issue: Reid McDougall reported that the Committee forrned to look into this (Derek Johnson, Reid Drury Pamela Ross and Reid McDougall) has arrived at some recommendations which have been explained to most residents over the summer.

b) Availability of a lot: Bob Gaudreau explained that the Municipality of Gore has insisted that the portion of Anne est in Gore be surveyed from the Wentworth line to the north end of Mary's Lake. The reason a lot is available on the edge of Green Mountain is that Gore has agreed to 'grandfather' the road as is with respect to development requirements. A lot could therefore be developed without the cost of bringing the road up to the standard otherwise required.

c) Forestry: Stephanie Hunt-Foster met with two forest engineers and asked them about how best to deal with reforestation of the log yards left by the most recent cut. Both experts recommended that the area be allowed to regenerate naturally. The existing forestry plan will be completed in 2021 and no further cuts are planned. Credits are available for three more years.

d) Tennis court: Bill Hogg reported that the tennis court is in good shape and that what it needs most is players. He was thanked for all his work on the court.

e) Road maintenance: Road maintenance will be done on the west side of the lake this year. Property owners were reminded of their responsibility to do brushing on both sides of the road.

f)  Potential land swaps: The land being considered as a potential swap from the Browns may be part of the Gore conservation initiative. Nothing more will be done on this until more is known about the conservation area. The land swap which would give Lake Anne Club lnc. the land south of the Gustave Road in exchange for what it owns north of the road is still a possibility.

g) Expropriation of Anne est and Mister Joe - status in Wentworth: The Council has agreed to approach the Quebec government to get the expropriated land back so it can be returned to Lake Anne Club lnc. The Municipality of Mille lsles needs to do the same thing for the portion of Anne est which was expropriated. The situation remains unchanged.

h) New Business:
(i) Sally McDougall reminded those present of the loss of two long-standing lake residents, Maxine Ronald and Marylou Jasper. Both will be much missed by everyone who knew them.

(ii) Jerome Rousseau will be booking the water testing for the second Saturdav in August. lt was suggested that the date of the AGM should be established and circulated by the end of June each year.

(iii) The Municipality of Gore is willing to reduce taxes on 600 acres of land if it is set aside from development for 25 years. This would be called a 'nature reserue' and would result in no loss of either control or the ability to log. This possibility needs to be investigated.

(iv) The proposal to allow gravel pits to change to quarries has probably been stopped, but the issue is not settled completely yet.

There being no further business the closing of the meeting was moved by Elspeth Mitchell, seconded by David Hyde.

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