Thursday 16 July 2015

Minutes of AGM 2014

Lake Anne Club Inc./Club du lac Anne Inc. 
Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting was held at the Lake Anne house of Ken Hugessen and Jennifer Connolly on August 3rd, 2014, at 10:00 a.m.

Present: Guy Biron, Reid Drury, Sally McDougall, Kathleen Hugessen,  Ken Hugessen, Peter Heward, Bryan Hollingworth, David Hyde, Angus Mackay, Elspeth Mackay Mitchell, Sally Drury McDougall, Jerome Rousseau, Nancy Savage, Wendy Hunt Robertson, Janet Blachford, John Blachford, Derek Johnson, Susan Johnson

By Proxy: Mary Lou McDougall, Margaret Hyde, Madeleine Palmer, Pansy Drury

Proxy Holders and Guests:  Jocelyne Lamarche Biron , Jackie Hollingworth, Janice Hollingworth Egan,  Pamela Griffiths, Robert Gaudreau,  Reid McDougall, Jim Ronald, William Wanklyn, Shelagh Drury, Kevin Drury, Baye Drury, Alexandra Gaudreau,

The meeting was called to order by Bryan Hollingworth.

1. Approval of the agenda:

Derek Johnson added several items to the agenda: a report from the President, discussion of the By-laws, and discussion of more communication from the Board between annual general meetings.

2. Approval of the 2013 AGM minutes:

Minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting had been distributed by email and there were hard copies available for review at the meeting.

It was moved by Reid Drury, seconded by Derek Johnson, that the minutes be approved as distributed. Carried.

3. Financial Statements for year ended April 30, 2014, and budget for 2014

Financial Statements and copies of the budget had been distributed by email and hard copies were available at the meeting. Bob Gaudreau and Bryan Hollingworth answered questions. There followed a discussion about the forestry initiative carried out during the past year.

It was moved by Kathy Hugessen, seconded by Derek Johnson that the Board be authorized to spend up to $5,000 to obtain a reforestation and property management plan. Carried.

Approval of the Financial Statements and Budget for 2014-2015 was moved by Bob Gaudreau, seconded by Sally Drury McDougall. Carried.

Bob Gaudreau was again thanked for his many hours of work on the corporation’s financial material.

4. Appointment of financial reviewer for 2014-2015:

It was moved by Bob Gaudreau, seconded by Derek Johnson, that Patti McGovern be appointed to review the financial transactions for fiscal 2015 and to create a Notice to Reader. Carried.

5. Report of the Nominating Committee and Election of Directors:

Peter Heward, who is retiring from the Board after 28 years of service, was presented with a hand-carved plaque and with the sincere thanks of everyone. Dana Heward was also thanked for her time spent on the Board. The slate of candidates for the Board was presented by Sally McDougall.

It was moved by Sally McDougall, seconded by Kathleen Hugessen, that the following candidates be elected as directors for the year 2014-2015:

Bryan Hollingworth, Bob Gaudreau, Stephanie Foster, Ken Hugessen, James Ronald, Nancy Savage, William Wanklyn and Pamela Ross.

6. Approval of the acts of directors:

Bryan Hollingworth reported on Board activities during the year. These included the forestry project and discussions about a possible exchange of land between Lake Anne Club Inc. and Marc Genest. Ongoing work is being done with respect to the loan vs, shareholder issue. Up to $1,000 was approved for resurfacing of the tennis court. The decision was made to approve the cost of surveying the road allowance for Anne est in both Gore and Mille-Isles.

It was moved by Reid Drury, seconded by William Wanklyn, that the acts of the directors during the past year be approved. Carried.

(a) Shareholder loans: This issue has not been resolved but work on it is continuing.

(b) Forestry: Eric Jolicoeur completed the cut which was introduced at the 2013 Annual Meeting. Several people commented on the large size of areas clear cut for sorting and the size of the cut in general. Reforestation will be investigated as per the resolution noted above under paragraph 3.

(c) Tennis court: Many thanks to Bill Hogg for hours of work on the tennis court, which is in very good shape. Expenditure of up to $1,000 has been approved by the Board for resurfacing of the court during the coming year.

(d) Road Maintenance: Two fire turnabouts were created and improved. Gravel was also added. Reid Drury was thanked for his work doing the grading of Anne est. It is now necessary to be on a surveyed road to get a permit for any work in Gore, so the portion of Anne est in Gore will be surveyed during the coming year as well as the portion in Mille-Isles because the other municipalities will probably also have this requirement before long. Two new gates have been added: one at the access to Rainbow Road  and the other at the Gustav Road. Thanks to the “hunters” for doing this for us. All gravel pits in Mille-Isles have been closed.

(e) Potential Land Swap: Bryan Hollingworth reviewed this proposal using a map. Lake Anne Club owns a slice of land known as “the key” which is on the west side of the lake behind the Hollingworth and Hugessen properties and which is bordered on two sides by land owned by Marc Genest and his partner Denise Hobbs. The proposal would result in Lake Anne Club owning all the land south of the Gustav Road and Genest and Hobbs owning the land north of it.

It was moved by Reid Drury, seconded by Kathleen Hugessen, that the Board recommendation to proceed with this exchange be approved. Carried.

(f) Expropriation of Anne est and Mr. Joe – status: After cadastration “colonial roads” were appropriated by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Quebec. The Anne est road allowance between the main road and the Drury property line, approximately,  was taken by Mille-Isles from the Ministry of Natural Resources in 2008 without any notice to Lake Anne Club Inc. Council has voted to give the road allowance back for $100.00 plus costs, and this transfer is progressing.

The situation with respect to the Mr. Joe Road is ongoing. 

Many thanks to Jim Ronald, William Wanklyn, Bob Gaudreau and Bryan Hollingworth for their work on these issues.

(g) New Business pertaining to the company: The By-laws will be brought up to date.

There will be more communication about important issues between meetings, with emails to be sent to shareholders if necessary.

The meeting ended at 11:35 a.m.

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