Friday 22 May 2015

Bird News from Stephanie

Did anyone else see the two Snow Geese on Presqu-ile (Land Island) this past weekend? I am pretty sure that's what they were because of their black wing tips.

The "regular" spring migrating warbler denizens are back at the lake, including the relatively easy-to-identify (by their songs): black-and-white warbler, black-throated green warbler, yellow-rumped warbler, the Blackburnian warbler and the ovenbird. There are probably lots of others too but I find these five species are relatively common and their songs easy to remember. 

Of course, they are joined by the birds that will likely stay the summer instead of heading up to James Bay and farther, such as the hummingbirds, purple finches, nuthatches, white-crowned sparrows, blue jays, chickadees, veerys, and even a few robins among others.

There is a lovely Wood Thrush that can be heard singing in the woods by the Lake Anne east gate too.

--Stephanie (Hunt) Foster

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