Tuesday 4 June 2024

And Stephanie, too, is for the Birds


Fishing and Hunting, Quebec rules

The following is the information regarding fishing and hunting seasons and regulations. It was appended to a 2023 post, but your fearless editor suspects it may be more useful as a 2024 post.


Another Wildlife Sighting

 In late May, I awoke one morning quite early because a crow was being exceedingly noisy outside my window. Usually they settle down after a bit, but this one was intent on destroying the last vestiges of my sleep. So I got up, went to the window to look for the culprit and saw, not a crow, but a hulking brute (backlit, so features hard to make out) perched on a branch between me and the lake.

Vulture? I thought, but it seemed more compact than that. Then it turned its white head and gave me its profile. A bald eagle. No wonder the crow was distressed.

We have seen the eagle off and on over the winter, but this was an amazing up-front and personal view.

It soon left its perch to fly across the lake, pursued by a mob of one very brave crow, still spitting expletives.


Merlin tags of recent weeks: indigo bunting, hermit thrush, and a chorus of thousands.

Kindness of Madeleine

Tonight there was a rainbow over the lake that was still there as I, and a thousand blackflies, reached the shore. While I looked, a loon [Editor's note: It's a mallard. Still beautiful withal.] drifted quietly past and into Outlet Bay over the coloured water. Lake Anne is magic!